Lily Lieberman
To get to know Lily a little better, we asked her a few questions.
What would you miss most about our city if you ever moved? ?
I've lived in Brooklyn, Phoenix and Chicago, and nothing comes close to Kansas City. There's something inexplicable about it, but the best way to describe it is that KC feels like the first spring day after a long winter. It's charming and refreshing.
Where is your favorite place to shop in KC?
Bella Patina! I look forward to First Weekends every month. I'm a sucker for knick-knacks and Bella always seems to scratch that itch! I'm also newly engaged and I can't wait to hunt for some treasures to use as decor at our wedding.
What's one KC classic product you can't live without?
Roasterie coffee -- specifically Betty's Recipe. It's naturally sweet with hints of vanilla and hazelnut. UNREAL.