Profile: KC Black Owned


Meet the woman behind KC Black Owned: introducing Kansas Citians to local businesses, one post at a time.


Meet Chelsey, the creator and connector behind KC’s newest resource, KC Black Owned. Chelsey’s website,, launched this month with over 100 local businesses listed– and growing fast. Read on to learn how the website came to be, how she manages a growing online community, and the importance of online presence for business owners.

What inspired you to start KC Black Owned?

Story time! Grab some coffee! Back in July 2019, my husband and I wanted to grab a bite to eat from a Black owned business. When we did our research, we found difficulty locating a specific place to try out. Hours later, we were still hungry and still did not find a new place… so I started brainstorming. As a result of this experience, I told my husband that there had to be an easier way to find Black-owned businesses in our area so that they can be supported. So, I started the Instagram page in hopes of locating and supporting Black-owned businesses.

We love a story where an entrepreneur sees a need, and fills it. Already, this work has taken you beyond social media– congratulations on the new website! Tell us about all the work that went into building the directory.

Thank you so much! The website was a strenuous but benefitting process. I am grateful for the help that was given to me. I collaborated with my web designer about the vibe I wanted for the website, as well as the colors and overall structure. Each time a business owner completes a feature form, they are added to a spreadsheet for future contact information. This list has grown to over 100 businesses in the past eight months or so, but I had to restructure the set up in order to include their direct website.

If a person is looking for a particular business and locates them, they click on the link and immediately are sent to their website; or, if the business does not have a website, the link will redirect to Instagram or Facebook.

This has been a dream of mine to have a one-stop shop for consumers and business owners to utilize frequently. The list will continue to grow, so if you know someone who has a business (with a business license) send them my way!


What has been the best part about starting KC Black Owned?

 The people!!! I have connected with so many people who are looking to support Black-owned businesses or even need business advice, or social media advice. I feel like a modern-day phonebook, LOL!!

One thing I always say is that my main goal is to locate, support and repeat the process with Black-owned businesses around the area. This is not a MOVEMENT; it is a LIFESTYLE!! The connections I am making with folks are everlasting and real– it makes my little KCBO heart so happy!!!


How do you think social media can help businesses grow? 

Social media is an essential piece of your business marketing strategy! Social media can provide a strong brand identity, aesthetic and intentional analytics to best reach a Black-owned businesses target audience. As business owners create content where their audience can trust, know and like them, the growth in numbers will follow. Having a strong digital footprint on social media  increases awareness related to your brand as well as boosting your leads and sales, and connecting with your customers.


How can our readers support the growth of your mission? 

 Well, we know that 2020 has presented unprecedented challenges for Black-owned businesses. Last year in the United States, 26% of Black-owned businesses had to close their door permanently.

If you are reading this message, there are 3 simple ways you can help!!

1.     Follow @kcblackowned on Instagram. We feature Black-owned businesses daily, and we even go live on chats with owners on Thursdays at 7:30pm.

2.     Check out our directory on our amazing website,! This website is for consumers and business owners. The directory is categorized and alphabetized. When you click on a business name, you will be redirected to their website.

3.    S U P P O R T ! What does support look like? I’m glad you asked! Support, shop local, shop with our Black-owned businesses! If you are unsure of where to begin, reach out to me and I can lead you in the right direction!


What are your goals for KC Black Owned this year (and beyond)? 

*cue happy dance!* I am so excited about what is to come with KCBO! As an immediate goal, we are continuing to network and build relationships with the community. The Black-owned directory is an important task on our list as well!

If you know someone, send them our way! The form online is easy to complete, takes less than 3 minutes!

There are other surprises to come...but for now they are a secret!!!!