Profile: Plaza Academy
In an unassuming building right in Westport, amazing things are happening– Plaza Academy houses the dreams and aspirations of those who were all but given up on through traditional educational systems.
Photos by Anna Petrow
Kansas City is special. Whether you’re a home-grown local or Midwest transplant, we all know there’s something inspirational and life-giving about this place. At Made in KC Explore, it’s our responsibility to help connect and introduce you to the places that help enrich our lives and bolster our community.
So, with that said, allow me to introduce you to Plaza Academy.
The Plaza Academy is Kansas City’s oldest alternative school for teens who are gifted and with special needs, including those who have suffered from a variety of mental health and academic challenges. If a student is unable to excel in a traditional school setting or is on the verge of dropping out, Plaza Academy takes those students and gives them the tools and opportunities they need to be productive, successful citizens.
Located in Old Westport, Plaza Academy was established in 1974 and makes its home in an unassuming building that many may drive by without a second thought. But as the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover - Plaza Academy houses the dreams and aspirations of those who were all but given up on through traditional educational systems. In fact, eighty percent of Plaza Academy’s graduates over the last decade have gone on to college or trade school. Take a moment and think about that. These students, who were on the verge of dropping out and not learning the basic tools that many of us take for granted, not only excelled at Plaza Academy– but went on to higher educational programs.
On the inside, Plaza Academy feels no different than any other middle or high school. Walking through the halls during passing period, vibrant artwork decorates the walls as students make way to their next class. They’re all having fun, laughing with friends and chatting with teachers alike. They’re excited to be here and eager to learn - you know, like kids and young adults should be. What really inspired me about Plaza Academy is the fact that all the students are voluntarily attending. Yes, there’s a tuition that students pay to join the academy, but the responsibility is the students’ to attend classes - which is often incentivized through various rewards programs both in and outside of the classroom. Again, these are students who nearly missed out on these opportunities and this education - and it’s quite easy to see how excited they are to be given a second chance.
Much like any traditional middle or high school, Plaza Academy teaches fundamental courses, from social studies, algebra and every subject in between. Yet, the power of Plaza Academy truly comes into play with the real life skills the school promotes to help students invigorate their passions. Take the Beat Academy, for example. Kansas Citian and former Plaza Academy graduate Justin Gillespie developed music-centric courses to help students tap their creative juices and develop music for themselves. His lifelong love of the arts now helps spark and inspire a new generation of students with that same excitement. Students get the chance to learn to record their own beats, play instruments, create an album and learn to market it.
While this system does feel traditional, there were two noticeable differences to me between Plaza Academy and your typical school: first, the student/teacher ratio, which doesn’t exceed 10:1. This incredible number ensures that each student that comes through this system is given the care and attention that he or she needs. In this environment and the unique situations each student is dealing with, the attention from faculty is critical.
The second noticeable difference is the care and coordination that all leadership has with the students and their parents or guardians. Ward Worley, the Executive Director at Plaza Academy, makes it a priority to keep open lines of communication with students and parents alike, ensuring they’re excelling at school and being rewarded for their hard work and attendance. Even in the short time I visited, I witnessed Worley and other teachers treating the students like adults and with respect. I don’t want to imply that students aren’t treated with respect and dignity in traditional schools, but as their last chance at receiving a formal education, it’s critically important for that attitude to exist at Plaza Academy.
“As a former student, I have first-hand experience with the life-changing impact that Plaza Academy has on the youth in our community,” said Worley. “Now, my mission is to continue the growth and stability of the academy as a valued resource in the community - one student at a time.”
There’s much more to the incredible work that Plaza Academy is doing for the youth of our community, so I’d encourage you to learn more by visiting their website here. Kansas City is a special place and it’s because of organizations like Plaza Academy that help make our city such a Midwest gem.